First Visit

If you have an upcoming first visit with us, we will ask you to complete a health questionnaire reviewing your past medical history. Please plan to arrive early with the following documentation:

  • Your current medical records
  • Your pill bottles including supplements and over-the-counter medications
  • An up-to-date list of your medications
  • Information on any medical specialists that you see
  • Your insurance and pharmacy cards
  • Photo ID
  • The information of your preferred pharmacy
  • Your current email address

We ask that you tell the receptionist your preferred pharmacy so that any prescribed medication can be electronically transmitted to your pharmacist. Each patient is also required to give their contact information (phone number, email address and physical address) to be kept on file.



Please see our Privacy Practices by clicking here.


The following provides an overview of our standard billing protocols. We hope you’ll find it helpful, but if any other questions should arise, please contact our billing department at 716-206-1595.


Payment is required at the time services are rendered. Southgate Medical Group accepts cash, personal check, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. All co-payments and past due balances are payable upon check in. 

Returned Checks

A service charge of $45 is required for returned checks. If there is a past-due balance, any amount paid will be applied to the past-due balance first.  

Late Payments

Patients with an outstanding balance of 150 days or more may be discharged from the practice and referred to collections unless payment arrangements are made with our office and honored.

Financial Difficulties

We encourage our patients to discuss any unexpected financial circumstances with our billing department. We realize that financial difficulties may sometimes arise, and the billing department has financial hardship and payment plan forms available under these circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions

We want to make sure you have all the information you need before any visit. These FAQ’s cover some of the basics, but please don’t hesitate to contact us directly with any specific questions you might have.

Do you take walk-ins or provide emergency care?

Southgate Medical Group is unable to accommodate walk-in visits or provide life threatening emergency care in the office. If you need a same-day appointment, please call the office before 10 AM.

What do I do if I can’t make it to a scheduled appointment?

We require advanced notice if you must reschedule or cancel an appointment. Patients who miss two appointments in a single year may be dismissed from the practice.

Will I be notified of my upcoming appointment?

Our staff will call you 48 hours in advance to confirm scheduled appointments. This confirmation call does not require a return call unless you wish to make a change.

Who should I work with to schedule ongoing or preventive care appointments?

Your chronic disease management or preventive care routine appointments should be scheduled with your primary care physician. We also have highly qualified physician assistants and nurse practitioners that can see you for any of your appointments.

When should I arrive for my appointment?

Most appointments require that you arrive 15 minutes early.

Do you take evening appointments?

Most of our providers have Tuesday evening appointments. Please call and discuss with staff.

Do I need to fill out any forms before my appointment?

New patients need to fill out the Health Questionnaire, Annual Screening Form, and Medical Record Release to Southgate Medical Group. Please visit our “Resources” section.

Patient Forms

It may be necessary for some new or current patients to complete the following forms. Simply click on the active link to download the form.

Clinical Studies

What is a Clinical Study?

A clinical study is a research study conducted with human volunteers—either healthy or with a particular medical condition—to answer specific health questions. Clinical studies are carefully conducted and monitored to find better ways to prevent, diagnose or treat medical conditions. When you volunteer for a clinical study, you take a more active role in your health care and make a difference in the lives of others.


Learn more about the benefits of participating in a clinical study below.

Have You Suffered from a Heart Attack or Stroke? Do You Experience Poor Circulation?

If so, consider participating in a clinical study to help advance treatment options for patients with cardiovascular disease. Not only will you help improve the lives of people like you, you’ll receive regular care related to the goals of the study and guidance on healthy lifestyle choices from a team of attentive physicians and nurses.

Learn more about the study and how to get involved here.

Living with Type 2 Diabetes?

Consider participating in a clinical study to help others with the same condition manage their disease and reduce their risk of stroke and heart attack. During this study, you’ll help physicians observe the effects of a new solution to managing blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes, and potentially change the lives of people just like you.

Learn more about the study and how to get involved here.